Winnie Xian

Winnie Xian

Partner, PwC China

Winnie is a Partner within PwC’s Risk Assurance practice and has over 15 years of risk management, internal controls and internal audit experience. She specialises in the Governance, Risk and Controls Tech services, and focus on various sector, especially real estate industry clients. Examples of Winnie’s recent experience include the following:

- Led a number of governance, risk controls digital advisory projects in various industries, especially in real estate. Work comprised assisting clients to design and set up the digital tools to identify anomalies and high risk transactions at earlier stage so as to take action promptly to manage risk.
- Assisting various Hong Kong listed companies in adopting the SEHK Code on Corporate Governance and advising on the review of internal controls according to the listing rule requirements in Hong Kong.
- Performed quality assurance review of the internal audit function of a number of listed clients in Hong Kong to assess effectiveness and efficiency and compare them to leading industry practice.
- Assisted various clients to develop a risk management framework which included developing business risk model and risk definition and performing risk assessment by identifying the risks and associated controls.

Winnie had received her Master degree of Finance and Accounting Management in UK. She is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) , Certified Information Systems Auditor(CISA) and is also a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA).